Pupil Premium Spending – 2020-21
We have 6 children eligible for Pupil Premium Funding, out of the school total of 148 pupils.
This means that 4% of the school are eligible for this funding of £1320 per child per year.
The current year total is £5380. In January 2021, this should be increased to £7920.
Our aims in managing this funding.
- To spend the money wisely to ensure that any gaps in progress and attainment between socially disadvantaged pupils and their peers are closing.
- To clearly identify socially disadvantaged pupils who may be at risk of under achieving.
- To provide early intervention and support for all socially disadvantaged pupils.
- To ensure that socially disadvantaged pupils achieve or exceed age related expectations and that the vast majority achieve in line with their peers.
- To provide effective support for pupils, parents and families to ensure that children are ready to learn every day.
- To have effective systems in place for identifying those pupils eligible for pupil premium and for tracking the progress they make as a result of interventions.
- To regularly monitor and review the effectiveness of our spending and to share this information with parents, Governors and staff.
Pupil Premium Spending 2020-2021
What we will use Pupil Premium Funding for? | Actions | What impact is this designed to have? | Anticipated Costings |
Attendance To aim for all PP pupils to have an attendance of 95% + | Office staff and teachers to monitor attendance. Teachers to make phone calls to parents whilst pupils are off school. To put targets in place where necessary. | All PP pupils to have an attendance of at least 97% this academic year. | N/A |
One to One Tuition Towards the salary of a HLTA (4 hours per week) to help reduce the gap bewteen disadvantaged amd non-disadvantaged pupils - particularly in readings. |
HLTA to run interventions for PP pupils. (such as reading support, Numicon, RWI phonic support, feedback marking) 1:1 support from LSAs to work on next steps with individual children or in pairs. all pupil premium children entitled to interventions regardless of ability which has helped move some PP children towards greater depth. Teacher discretion about what areas of learning are addressed and supported. |
Gaps in learning are closed.
All PP pupils make at least expected progress and attainment is in line with national expectations across all subjects. |
£1850 |
Pastoral Support Towards the salary of a Pastoral Support assistant To support children's emotional well-being and readiness to learn. |
Support for families and their children at time of difficulty. Pupils will be able to manage their feelings more appropriately which will have a positive impact on learning. Well being wheel used to assess mental health. |
Children are well supported and have the emotional tools to access the curriculum. |
£1500 |
Extra Curricular Activities Subsidy of extra-curricular activities (where there is a charge) for disadvantaged children. |
Subsidy for disadvantaged children, towards the cost of any after school clubs, breakfast club. |
Extra-curricular experiences give children opportunities that they have not previously had. |
£300 |
Enrichment activities Visit to a book shop Corby Library visit |
Payment for workshops in school which enhance the creative curriculum has proven to be beneficial to PP children. EG – Xmas pantomime visit, forest school, History off the Page, provision of costumes for major events. All PP pupils taken to a book shop and given the money to buy a book. Ensure that all PP pupils have a library card for Corby Library |
Enrichment experiences which develop a wider knowledge of the world, raise aspirations and develop cultural capital. Raises awareness of books available – love of books. Access to free books from library. |
£200 |
Trips subsidy Payment towards residential experiences and educational visits |
A range of residential trips and educational visits across the year groups planned in for the year. Provide these opportunities at a subsidised cost or free for identified pupils to use knowledge, skills and abilities in arrange of different situations (BWT competitions and initiatives, clubs, etc) |
Trips can have an impact on children’s writing and this will be expected as a follow up. Builds cultural capital in chn who don’t have rich life experiences. |
£500 |
Music tuition Payment of peripatetic lessons |
Payment of peripatetic music lessons for PP pupils plus families where chn may need to stop playing their instrument due to cost |
Achievement and valuable learning experiences for pupils learning an instrument from a choice of brass, guitar, drum or piano lessons. | £450 |
School Uniform Uniform subsidy |
Purchase of school uniform and PE kit including PE shoes.
Achievement and valuable learning experiences for pupils learning an instrument from a choice of brass, guitar, drum or piano lessons. |
£200 |
Free school meals | PP funding used to pay for eligible pupils and others who may benefit from this support in KS 2 - to have a hot dinner each day if required. | Children receive a good meal in the middle of the day, which helps support their learning in the afternoon. | £200 |
Staff training To enhance the work of the pastoral support assistant |
Lego therapy and Protective Behaviours work now in place for HM Well-being wheel implementation |
New approaches introduced to support vulnerable learners and shared with staff. |
£200 |
To raise Aspiration for all PP pupils. |
“Ambition for All” initiative Careers week Big Believe for Yr 4 All PP pupils Young Leaders in school or school councillors |
PP pupils are more aware of themselves as leaders and of what jobs they can aspire to in future life. |
N/A |
Think for the Future Facilitators use the power of their real-life experiences overcoming social and emotional barriers to relate to young people and deliver engaging sessions that inspire positive change. |
PP pupils to be given time each week to take part in Think for the Future sessions. |
PP pupils will build an emotional and social resilience. They will develop coping strategies and will be supported to overcome social and emotional barriers. |
£2665 |
Data taken from teacher assessments, across all year groups, in June 2021 as national testing did not take place due to Covid.
In 2020-21 we had 10 children (6.6%) eligible for pupil premium funding. The data shows that:
7/10 of PP pupils made expected or better progress in Reading. 5/10 made more than expected progress.
6/10 of PP pupils made expected or better progress in Writing. 3/10 made more than expected progress.
7/10 of PP pupils made expected or better progress in Maths. 3/10 made more than expected progress.
1/10 PP pupils was on the SEND register
Schools are given a pupil premium for:
- Children who have qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years.
- Children who are or have been looked after under local authority care for more than one day.
- Children from service families who receive a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.
Am I eligible to apply for pupil premium funding for my child?
Your child's school may be entitled to pupil premium funding if you receive one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit
- National Asylum Seekers Support
- Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
- Universal Credit (income dependant)
Who can I speak to about Pupil Premium funding?
Mrs Young is responsible for managing Pupil Premium Funding. Your child’s class teacher will be able to explain how we are using the funding to support individual children and the office staff can offer advice on how to apply for this funding if you think you may be entitled to it.
Last Review date - September 2020
Next Review date - July 2021
There is no expectation that schools should spend the grant only on eligible pupils, or on a per eligible pupil basis.